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Chess Checkmate

To help you understand how a chess checkmate looks like please study the following chess positions. I listed various kinds of checkmates below.

The aim in chess is to checkmate the king. Usually you can’t attack right away to go for a checkmate but must play good positional chess first to get an overwhelming position and win material. If you are ahead in material, you should trade off as many pieces as possible to simplify and go into the endgame, where you will create a passed pawn and promote it into a queen.

After that you give checkmate with the queen, but the opponent will give up before that and will resign as it is senseless to play on when you are a queen down as he will get checkmated sooner or later. It is just a waste of time to continue in this case.

In the positions below there is always the king in check, but he can’t move away and can’t exchange the check-giving piece. This is the reason why it is checkmate.

These checkmates below happened due to an oversight or a forced combination. But this does not happen often, that you can win outright. Normally if your opponent is a good player he will see all threats and will protect himself. This means you can only win if you get ahead in material, like winning a pawn, then simplify and go into a better endgame, promote a passed pawn into a queen and opponent resigns. This is the usual procedure between strong players.

Black is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

White is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

Black is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

Black is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

Black is Checkmate
Black is checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

Black is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

White is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

Black is Checkmate
Black is Checkmate
chess checkmate
chess checkmate

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