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Chess King

The chess king can move one square at a time. He can capture knights, bishops, rooks, queens and pawns like any other piece.

If the king is in check you have to move the king away from the check or capture the check-giving piece or put a piece in between to block the check.

White moves

chess king

In the example above White can capture the check-giving bishop (NxB) with the knight or move the knight to d2 (Nd2) to block the check or move the king away from the check.(Kf1)

Black moves

chess king

The black king in the position above can’t go to the marked squares as they are controlled by the pawn or the white king. The black king can capture the unprotected pawn.

White moves

chess king

In the diagram above the white king can capture the queen only, but not the rook or the knight, because they are protected by the queen. He can’t capture the pawn either, as it is protected by the rook and the knight.

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