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Chess Moves Pin

The chess moves to create a pin are quite surprizing as they are often hard to see. You have to observe precisely how pieces are placed to spot the pin. It can often decide the game immediately.

The Pin

1) White moves
2) White moves
chess moves
chess moves

3) White moves
4) White moves
chess moves
chess moves

5) White moves
6) White moves
chess moves
chess moves

7) Black moves
8) White moves
chess moves
chess moves

9) White moves
10) White moves
chess moves
chess moves

11) White moves
12) White moves
chess moves
chess moves


1) 1.Qxg6 White can capture the pawn because the knight on e5 is pinned by the bishop.
2)Black is losing the pinned bishop as it can’t be protected
3)White plays his bishop to h3 (Bh3) and pins the rook. After that he captures the rook and wins easily as he is a piece up.
4) White plays bishop to c4 and pins the queen.
5)White plays d3 and wins the knight as it cannot escape because it is pinned by the bishop.
6)White moves the Bishop to c4 (Bc4) and pins the rook and captures it afterwards to gain a material advantage.

7) Black moves his bishop to b6 and pins the white rook. After this he will capture the rook and will win the endgame as he has a passed pawn on d5 and is a pawn up. The white g-pawn is weak and the black king might go there later on to capture it.
8) White captures the f-pawn playing Qxf5. The e-pawn cannot capture the queen as it is pinned by the bishop.
9) White gives checkmate with Rxh6++. The g-pawn cannot capture the rook because it is pinned by the bishop.
10)White gives checkmate playing Nxg6++. The h-pawn cannot capture the knight because it is pinned by the rook.
11)The Queen captures on g7 and gives checkmate. The rook cannot capture the queen because it is pinned by the white rook.
12)White captures the g-pawn with his queen and gives checkmate. The bishop cannot capture the queen because it is pinned by the rook.

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