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Chess Openings

Chess Openings Explorer – Replay Chess Games of popular Openings played by Chess Grandmasters worldwide. I will list here the best chess openings you should know. You can replay the games and watch videos that explain the ideas.

Ruy Lopez

Closed Ruy Lopez
Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
The Berlin Wall – A tough Ruy Lopez Side line

For Black
How to beat the Ruy Lopez

Colle System

This opening is just recommended for beginners. When you have advanced then move on to main stream openings.
Colle System – easy for Beginners

Garry Kasparov Chess Openings

Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov played only sound and correct main stream openings. Do this as well and study his openings to become familiar with them.
Kasparovs Chess Openings

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