You have Black and play the “UNIVERSAL SYSTEM” which is in fact a sideline of the Pirc Defense when you play it with Black against 1.e4.
When you use it against 1.d4, c4 or other first moves from White then it takes on names from different opening systems, for example it may consist of sidelines of the Kings Indian Defense.
We don’t worry about all this but just call it the UNIVERSAL SYSTEM which will keep things nice and easy for you.
The following game is a TYPICAL set up and you should memorize the ideas from Black’s side. Just pretend that you are Black.
How to play Chess – Commented Game
Topic: Basic Strategy of the typical UNIVERSAL SYSTEM
Mistakes made by White:
White lost his nerves due to Blacks precise machine-like play and captured a poisoned pawn on b5. (18.Nxb?)
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White moves |
White moves |
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 (attacks e4) |
3.Nc3 Nbd7 4.Nf3 e5 That’s it! |
White moves |
Black moves |
5.Bc4 Be7 6.d5 0-0 |
7.h3 c6 8.0-0 |
White moves |
White moves |
8…cxd 9.exd – Black trades center pawns, after that Black has TWO PAWNS versus ONE PAWN in the center and more CENTER STRENGHT! The remaining white d-pawn is ISOLATED and WEAK because it cant get protected by the white c-pawn at c2 because this pawn is OBSTRUCTED by the knight. 9…a6 |
10. a3 b5 Black makes room to place his inactive bishop to b7 where it attacks the WEAK white d-pawn. |
White moves |
White moves |
11.Ba2 Qc7 12.Be3 Nb6 controlling half-open c-file with queen and ATTACKS WEAK d-pawn with a knight that was BADLY placed at d7 before. 13.Qe2 Bb7 This Bishop applies ADDITIONAL pressure to the WEAK d-pawn! |
14.BxNb6 Because of the strong pressure that is applied to the d-pawn White loses nerves and trades BISHOP FOR KNIGHT which is good for Black as it gives him the Two-Bishops which are more flexible than a bishop and a knight. Black is better now! 14..QxB 15.Rad1 Rac8 puts heavy pieces on half-open c-file remember? 16.Qd3 Rc7 prepares to DOUBLE UP ROOKS on the HALF-OPEN C-FILE! 17.h4 a5 offering a poisoned pawn which cant be taken for TACTICAL REASONS |
White moves |
White moves |
18.Nxb5?? Rc5 attacking BOTH the knight and the d-pawn. |
19.Nc3 Ba6 losing material as the bishop attacks queen and rook. |
White moves |
20.Qe3 Qxb2 this is stronger than BxR as Black wins a piece and the game.21.Na4 QxBa2 22.NxR BxR 23.RxB dxN etc. |
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